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Revision as of 17:14, 31 December 2022 by Mac1cam (talk | contribs) (A list of all the Special bonuses that you can find near Towns)
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Great Forests: -30% Wooden armour cost, -10% ship cost.

Imperial Fleet Wreckage: -30% Steel armour cost, -5% ship cost.

Great Ruins: -30% Stone wall cost, -10% building cost.

Nitre Caverns: +15% Damage from explosives.

Suspendium Caves: -50% Suspendium chamber cost.

Steelwood Forest: +50% Wooden armour HP.

Spire of Learning: +15% Research.

Aeronautical Workshop: -50% Airplane cost.

Population Centre: -25% Crew maintenance cost.

Breadbasket Region: +50% Resupply speed.

Master Lensmaker: +50% Telescope accuracy bonus.

Master Gunsmith: Double Musket and Rifle accuracy.

Master Engineer: +30% Propeller propulsion.

Famous Doctor: Sickbays can revive dead crew.

Social Hub: Spy actions are 30% more likely to succeed.

Trade Hub: +40% Income from trade treaties.

Institute of Anatomy: Double research from defeating monsters.

Organ Market: $2000 for defeating a biological monster nest.

Occult Library: +5% Research speed, 30% for cultists.

Deep Coal Mine: +100% Coal storage.

Imperial Post Office: +15% Spy action success chance and defense.

Tea: +5% City income and +20% income from trade treaties.

Coffee: +10% Research and +20% income from trade treaties.

Opium: -10 Unrest in each city, -10% Construction speed and 40% income from trade treaties.

Silk: -5 Unrest in each city and +20% income from trade treaties.

Vineyards: -5 Unrest in each city and +20% income from trade treaties.

Wurm Herds: +50% Resupply speed.

Floathoney: -10 Unrest in each city, -10% construction speed, and 40% income from trade treaties.

Frost Wurms: -5 Unrest in each city and 40% income from trade treaties.

Incense: -5 Unrest in each city and +20% income from trade treaties.

Gold Mine: 20 Income.

Turtledove Graveyard: Shell Armour.

Master Metallurgist: +20% Cannon damage.